Mary, Our Blessed Mother
This collection of videos is in honor of our Blessed Mother. Mary brings Jesus to us through the Holy Spirit. To draw close to Mary is to draw close to Jesus due to the Spirit’s activity. Each class is unique and has a different physical focus. Each meditation centers on a different aspect of Mary; may they bring us all ever closer to Our Lord God and Savior.

Your core is your trunk: pelvic floor, back, abdominals, and diaphragm. The exercises in this routine will help your core muscles work harmoniously for better balance and stability. This is important for regular activities as well as for sports and other physical activities. The prayers and meditation will have you thinking about Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Holy Family School of Faith Daily Rosary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (

Hip flexibility and mobility is so important because it allows for more fluid and efficient movements. It can help in everyday movement and can even help athletes improve their performance on the field. Join Robin in this short class as you boost your range of motion and feel great. The meditation will have you contemplating Mary, and being a Mother.
Pope Francis, Oct. 7, 2023, On the 800th Anniversary of the Confraternity of Our lady of Montserrat,,for%20us%20and%20accompanies%20us.%22
Venerable Jozsef Cardinal Mindszenty.
Holy Family School of Faith daily Rosary, Loving our Mothers, Used with permission
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (

If you are looking for a fun full body strength class using your own body weight, this is the class for you. After the warmup, Lori takes you through a series of lunges working on spinal stability, Squats, core work and more before taking you into the winddown. The meditation will have you contemplating Mary: Virgin Most Powerful.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (

Stretching keeps the muscles flexible and healthy. This is so needed in order to maintain a range of motion in the joints. If you only strengthen the muscles, they will shorten and become tight, which if not stretched out, can put you at risk for joint pain, strains, and muscle damage. Jhoe takes you through a class that stretches the entire body while relaxing and refreshing the nervous system. She does throw in a curve ball with doing the splits, but she gives you a different option if you do not want to do splits. The meditation will have you contemplating Mary and the Annunciation.
Holy Family School of Faith Daily Rosary, The Annunciation. April 8, 2024. Used with permission
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (

Balanced workouts incorporate all major muscle groups, ensuring every part of the body gets attention. This can help to promote strength and flexibility for your whole body. Alison takes you through a 44-minute well-rounded routine that will leave you feeling refreshed and ready for your day. The meditation will have you thinking about Mary, the Mold of God.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (

A total body strength class will help you to get lean, toned, and fit. It targets all of the major muscle groups of the entire body. Betsy takes you through a series of creative exercises designed to increase stability and strength using only your body weight. The meditation will have you thinking about Mary: Mother of God and our Mother.
Holy Family School of Faith Daily Rosary, Mary, Mother of God. Used with permission, Holy Family School of Faith Daily Rosary, Mary, Mother of the Church. Used with permission
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (

While this class offers some upper body strength, Amanda focuses on stretching and lengthening the muscles, mobility, and spinal rotation, extension, and flexion. Tension is released, flexibility will increase, and you will move more freely. The prayers and meditation will have you thinking about Mary and Motherhood.
Holy Family School of Faith Daily Rosary, Loving Our Mothers, Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (