Ashley Schonhardt
My name is Ashley Schonhardt and I live in Minnesota with my husband and two busy toddlers. I have always been drawn to natural health/wellness and fitness. I often would take nutrition or wellness classes in college because it was a passion of mine and I knew how important it was to care for the one body God blessed us with. The Holy Spirit absolutely led me to Pietra Fitness with the gentle nudge and promptings to keep pursuing this beautiful mind, body and spirit exercise program as an instructor.
Eating healthy or starting an exercise program can seem overwhelming at first but I promise you, it will enrich your life in more ways than you know! Start your day with 1 prayer, 1 glass of lemon water, 1 vegetable for dinner, 1 Pietra Fitness class, etc and soon you will be doing what you thought was impossible for you. For with God all things are possible!
"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible" - St. Francis of Assisi I am so excited to offer a spiritually sound, solid & safe exercise program to all those around me so that they may thrive in the truth & experience God's glory through Pietra Fitness. I am so glad you are here!