Jill Alt
Jill is a Foundation 3 Pro Instructor, licensed physical therapist, fitness instructor, and holistic wellness advocate, Thanks to her career, Jill has long understood the importance of frequent stretching—but she rarely worked this “down” time into her fitness regime. After hearing about Pietra Fitness from a friend and on Catholic radio, Jill discerned that the Lord was calling her to become a Pietra Fitness instructor. She has since fallen in love with the benefits of the practice and believes that healthy living requires consistent work on the body, mind, and soul. Becoming a Pietra Fitness instructor expanded Jill’s ability to help people in all three areas. Jill lives in Ohio with her husband Ross and their four children.
“I am so grateful I said YES to this call! Thank you Lord for showing me that trusting in your plan brings the deep joy I have always been seeking.”
Jill is certified to lead Gentle, Intermediate, and Advanced classes.