Spiritual: Avila Institute Mini Courses
Spiritual: Avila Institute Mini Courses
Each of the Avila Institute Mini Courses are worth 1 CEC. You do not have to pay for these courses. Follow the instructions and see what courses are available to you, and then choose the one you would like to take.
INSTRUCTIONS: Go to: myavila.edu20.org
- Click “Sign up”
- Enter the access code: AvilaStudent (no space, case sensitive)
- Fill out the signup sheet
- Your User ID needs to contain: PietraFitness in it. For example it could be: PietraFitnessKaren. (this is essential for you to be able to access the classes)
- Once logged in, Scroll over “Classes” from the list on the left side of the page and click on Catalog
- Choose “Pietra Fitness” from the Catalog
- Click on the mini-course, then click “Enroll”