In the Simplicity: Planks video, Jhoe takes you through different planks to work your entire body. In this instructional video, she deconstructs the 2 and 3-point stability moves, helping you to have better form and to learn what muscles to engage. Watch this video before doing Simplicity: Planks or any time you would like to learn more about or perfect your planks. Also, look for Simplicty: Planks INSTRUCTIONAL for a further tutorial for the planks video.

In the Simplicity: Planks video, Jhoe takes you through different planks to work your entire body. In this instructional video, she deconstructs the planks, helping you to have better form and to learn what muscles to engage. She also teaches you how to incorporate pelvic floor work and how to modify. Watch this video before doing Simplicity: Planks or any time you would like to learn more about or perfect your planks. Also, look for Simplicty: Planks 2 and 3 Point Stability INSTRUCTIONAL for a further tutorial for the planks video.