Each year upon re-certification each Certified Pietra Fitness Instructor is required to submit CECs per the requirements listed in the Instructor Portal . One item that seems to fall to the bottom of my priority list is my CPR/AED Certification. I seem to go along thinking “oh, I’ll get to that.” Then… like a bolt, the time has come to re-certify and I am scrambling to get everything completed in time to avoid any extra charges!!
CECs, CPR TRAINING, AND CERTIFICATION - How to prepare and plan instead of waiting until the last minute!
By: Betsy Hoyt, Foundation 3 Pro Certified Pietra Fitness Instructor
Each year upon re-certification each Certified Pietra Fitness Instructor is required to submit CECs per the requirements listed in the Instructor Portal . One item that seems to fall to the bottom of my priority list is my CPR/AED Certification. I seem to go along thinking “oh, I’ll get to that.” Then… like a bolt, the time has come to re-certify and I am scrambling to get everything completed in time to avoid any extra charges!!
A few years back I came up with this simple routine to help in my annual recertification process. My routine is on-going throughout the year. Hopefully, this will assist you in creating your own routine so when re-certification time arrives you can peacefully and intentionally complete the process stress-free!
My re-certify date is in March 1st.
First, I have set a monthly reminder in my calendar that notifies/reminds me to check my CEC certs for the month. If I haven’t already dragged the emails over to the specific email box I have made, I will go ahead and take 5 minutes or less to move those emails to the “re-certify” folder in my email account.
Second, If there is a missing Cert, I take care of it right then by sending a message to the appropriate person so I can begin to track it down (if you need to contact Pietra Fitness for a missing cert please have the following info available: the name of the CEC, the date of the CEC and send the request to instructors@pietrafitness.com).
Third, if I attended any CEC opportunities with Avila I make sure to pull those over to the file as well. Also, if I have attended any training outside of Pietra Fitness I make sure I fill out the PETITION FORM and submit that now. After receiving that Cert I will move that to my email file.

I have also set an electronic reminder in my calendar for my CPR recertification as well. For some people, the certification you received is good for 2 years. Remember that the 2 CECs you receive for your CPR will only be counted in the year in which you received the certification. See the Continuing Education Credits and Petition Info Document
During the past 10 months meeting in person for the classroom portion of this certification has been a challenge. Here are some suggestions for finding a CPR course that has classroom instruction*:
1) Log on to Red Cross , or the American Heart Association - here you can search for a class in your area. If they do not have classes, they may have a list of private instructors you can reach out to. Many nurses are certified to teach these classes.
2) Call your local YMCA or a local Gym and ask if they are offering a class. The Group Fitness Manager (GFM) should have a good idea of when they will be offering a class for their Group Fitness instructors. You could even ask this GFM if he/she knows of any private instructors who you might reach out to as well. These facilities are REQUIRED to have all of their trainers and instructors up-to-date with their CPR/AED certifications (including the in-person portion!).
3) Call your local fire department and ask if there is a class coming up which is open to the public. Again, they may know of private instructors you can reach out to.
When mid-February rolls around I prepare all of the CEC certs and my CPR Certificate from my email into ONE File on my computer. I label the file “Recertify 2021.” After the electronic file is complete I set a reminder to RECERTIFY in March.
When March 1st is here I will log into the Instructor Portal and go to “Renew Certification.” Here, I will fill out the electronic form upload my file of CEC & CPR Certs, put in my payment info, and voila! I’m done!
Be sure to watch for your receipt and your New & Update Instructor Certificate. The responsibility for re-cert each year is each of ours individually.
*Instructors may take a CPR class that has part online instruction and then hands-on instruction in the classroom. Instructors may NOT take an exclusively on-line class for this re-cert requirement.