As the days grow longer and the earth awakens from its winter slumber, spring is the perfect time to refresh and rejuvenate.
Breathing is a natural, life-giving process that we do mostly without thinking. However, the way we breathe matters.
Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.
Winter hiking can be a magical experience. Snow-covered trails, crisp air, and serene landscapes make it a favorite activity for outdoor and fitness enthusiasts
When it comes to fitness, one of the most common struggles is finding a workout routine you actually enjoy.
With the short, dark days of winter, many of us feel a shift in our mood and energy levels.
The Church dedicates the entire month of January to the Holy Name of Jesus–“ that is above every name”
The holiday season is a time for joy, connection, and celebration—but it’s also one of the busiest times of the year.
With endless to-do lists, packed calendars, and high expectations, the most wonderful time of the year can easily turn into the most stressful time of the year.
Advent is a season rich in traditions that help us reflect, pray, and truly ready ourselves for the great mystery of the Incarnation.
When the chill sets in, our bodies naturally tense up, making us feel tight, less flexible, and sometimes even sore–leaving us more vulnerable to injuries.
As the seasons change, so can our mood.
Can a good Catholic celebrate Halloween?
Creating a home gym doesn’t have to break the bank.
As the seasons change, so do the challenges to our immune system.
Keeping our bodies cool and well-hydrated is essential to staying healthy and happy particularly in these final weeks of summer.
When the summer sun blazes and the temperatures soar, finding the motivation to stay active can be challenging.
The Catholic Church offers a rich feast of beautiful traditions and devotions to help you grow closer to Jesus.
Blue light is affecting our bodies–both in positive and negative ways.
With the high temps and the humidity of the summer months, staying active can feel like an even bigger challenge.
Children today are spending more time inside than ever before.
Whether you have acres of land or just a few pots on a balcony, cultivating a garden is the perfect summer hobby.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has been in the top 10 fitness trends since 2014, according to a survey by the American College of Sports Medicine.
The Church, in her wisdom, offers you set days throughout the year to join with your brothers and sisters in prayer, fasting, and thanksgiving called Ember Days
In a culture that glorifies hustle and productivity, the importance of rest and restoration–even in your fitness journey–cannot be overstated.
Before his Ascension into heaven, Jesus left his disciples with a final command.
The Christian celebration of Easter often feels like it has been so secularized and commercialized that the true meaning has been lost.
Spring is in the air, and so are allergens.
What is the #1 mistake in building good habits? Trying to be someone you’re not...
What do you think of when you hear the words “Rest,” “Leisure,” or “Self-care”?
Building habits requires investing time and energy up front to reap the benefits in the long run. Just like investing money, your investment of time...
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the penitential season of Lent.
As the winter chill sets in and the days become shorter, maintaining an active lifestyle might seem like a daunting task.
Whatever the Lord has in store for you, there is a patron saint for that.
12 reasons to build good habits
In the seven days leading up to Christmas Eve (December 17-23), we sing the ancient and poetic “O Antiphons.”
Nothing chases away the winter chill like a mugful of a warm beverage.
The Miraculous Medal is a powerful sacramental that is worn by millions of Catholics around the world and has many miracles attributed to it.
Catholic parents need a way to teach their children the truth about their bodies even from a young age.
The Fertility Awareness Methods available today empowers women to know and take care of their unique body.
Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom God's love commits me here, Ever this day, be at my side, To light and guard, Rule and guide. Amen.
Everyone has heard of the importance of friendship, but did you know that meaningful relationships aren’t just good for your soul but for your body too?
The Book of Psalms found in the Wisdom Books of the Old Testament, is a book not meant to be read, but rather prayed.
Carving out time for exercise each day can feel impossible when you're overwhelmed with work, chores, caring for children, and everything else...
After God made the heavens and the earth and everything within them, the Book of Genesis says that God rested...
Seated exercises provide a modified fitness routine with many of the same benefits as a traditional workout.
In order to combat these Seven Deadly Sins, you need to foster the Seven Remedial Virtues.
Osteoporosis is a skeletal disorder in which bones become porous and weak.
Getting outside offers so many benefits for both your physical and mental health; you can participate in physical activities, get some Vitamin D, and reduce...
Your arms can move in so many different ways to help you perform many important functions throughout your daily life, so you need to take care of them!
Planning a get-together to celebrate mom next weekend?
Maintaining your balance is a crucial part of every move you make but it’s not something you can take for granted.
The stories of so many saints intertwine with the Story of Salvation during the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of the Lord.
Start your physical and spiritual transformation now!
If you suffer from constant fatigue, disrupted sleep/difficulty waking, or sweet and salty cravings, overstressed adrenals might be the cause.
Not only does the Church honor Saint Joseph with special devotion every Wednesday but it also dedicates the entire month of March to him.
Do you always feel too tired to workout?
We at Pietra Fitness love the Blessed Mother and this month we have an opportunity to honor with the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Is living more liturgically on your list of resolutions for the new year?
The average American diet consists largely of processed foods—an estimated 70 percent! And it’s no wonder, in our fast-paced culture we look for...
Still planning the menu for your holiday feast? Here’s a round-up of some festive and healthy recipes for you to enjoy with your loved ones...
The way in which we worship God through the liturgy plays a vital part of the Christian life.
This year, Pietra Fitness wanted to share with you some of our favorite small Catholic businesses to help you find the perfect gift for your loved ones...
Pregnancy and childbirth are some of the most physically demanding processes a woman can go through.
Francesca LaRosa, a Catholic composer and singer/songwriter, desires to glorify the Lord and serve His Church through her ministry
Saints throughout the centuries have spoken on the power of Our Lady’s intercession and the importance of praying the rosary.
Pregnancy might seem like the time to sit back and relax—you feel fatigued, your back aches, and putting shoes on alone feels like an Olympic sport.
As Christians, we are called to live an integrated life, a life in which our whole selves–body, mind, and spirit–glorify God.
Creating a Rule of Life for your family will allow you to live a life of peace and connection, even during the busiest seasons.
The Catholic Church has always revered Mary and recognized her importance in the lives of its people.
Now that the warm summertime weather has arrived, let me introduce you to your new best friend: the Smoothie.
On Independence Day, Americans commemorate the signing of the Declaration of Independence that signals the birth of our country.
Working out as a couple offers you and your partner a unique opportunity to meet your personal health and wellness goals.
Meal planning involves creating a weekly menu, or preparing ahead for each meal you plan to make.
The Catholic Church devotes each month of the year to a particular aspect of the faith and the Church dedicates May to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
We all know the feeling: 3 p.m. hits and the afternoon slump begins to take hold. You start looking for a snack that will get you to the end of your work day.
Whether you’re caring for a newborn, chasing after a toddler, or driving your preteen to extracurriculars, you probably feel like you don’t have enough time...
Part of the beauty of the Catholic Church comes from the richness and significance of our traditions, especially in the days leading up to Easter.
This season of Lent provides us with an opportunity to contemplate God’s mercy, most perfectly revealed and made present to us in Jesus Christ.
If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with PCOS, you’re not alone.
The importance of good skincare goes beyond your appearance.
February is the month for all matters of the heart–including its health.
Pietra Fitness has just released a Fitness Series specifically designed with athletes in mind. The Athlete series will transform your athletic performance...
At the end of each of our Pietra Fitness classes, you will have the opportunity to meditate on the spiritual reading with the accompaniment of sacred music...
The holiday blues are not uncommon but they don’t have to ruin your Christmas. Use the following tips to help manage them.
Between family get-togethers, drinks with friends, and the office holiday party, do you find your healthy eating habits falling apart each December?
Below you will find 7 healthy soup recipes that will warm you right up this Fall!
On November 2nd the Church celebrates the feast of All Souls and kicks off a month dedicated to remember and pray for the Holy Souls.
Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting out on your fitness journey, you’ll need motivation to get up and get moving everyday.
Stand up straight! Don’t slouch! Have you ever had a parent or teacher correct your posture? When it comes to posture, bad habits are easy to form.
Whether you’re going back to school/work or taking care of littles who are, the back-to-school season can come with an increase of items on your to-do list...
This summer we launched our newly designed Pietra Fitness website to give you a faster, more user-friendly experience.
Some deodorants and antiperspirants contain ingredients that could cause harm to our bodies, especially when used over long periods of time...
In August, the Church honors the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This month, we remember in a special way the interior life of the Blessed Mother...
Whether you find yourself at the pool, the beach, or a cookout with friends this summer you’re going to need some snacks.
It’s summertime and livin’ isn’t always easy.Oppressive heat and humidity can make the simplest of tasks feel impossibly difficult while vacation and fun plans
Everyday movements like walking, running, jumping dancing, even lifting and throwing depend on a strong lower body.
In June, the Church remembers and celebrates the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
You want to get serious about creating a daily fitness routine, but maybe you’re just not a morning person.
With bathing suit season coming up, you might feel the pressure to shed a few pounds fast. Going on a diet might seem like an effective way to achieve the look