Pietra Fitness workouts enrich your body, mind, and soul so you can glorify God with your entire being. Read the testimonials of those who have tried our Online Studio and seen great results.

I just wanted to tell you how THANKFUL I am for your program! I recently started doing the beginner classes as a way to start working out again after suffering from severe adrenal fatigue for the past 5+ years. I\'m finally recovered enough that I wanted to begin a workout, but needed something that wouldn\'t be too strenuous. I am not Catholic, but Christian, and really appreciate the scriptures, prayers, and meditation as they really help me focus on God while I\'m going through the workout. I would never have imagined combining a devotional time with a workout program, but I look forward to the time in prayer every day!
The videos are helping!. I noticed immediate differences in my circulation and energy levels. Feeling more alive, I guess :) Practicing healthy breathing and posture in the program has helped me become more aware of them throughout my day, and I am self-correcting them almost automatically. It's an instant energy boost. Maybe it's the extra oxygen from opening up the ribcage and breathing more deeply! Same for prayer--I am remembering to pray more consistently as I go about my day. Chasing five small kids around all day, it's good to have the calming and refocusing "resets".
S. M.
I have been searching for this kind of exercise for years! I used to love the physical benefits of yoga when I was younger and then after having three children, my body needed some serious healthful attention again. I had some very painful sciatic issues in my hip and my doctor suggested yoga along with my physical therapy I was receiving but I just didn't feel comfortable getting back into yoga though knowing what I do now about spiritual expectations of Hinduism embedded within the practice. I am happily hooked on these and so grateful to have found this expert-guided workout proving to strengthen my body while also being mindful of my faith.
Thank you for this program. Pietra Fitness has filled a void I was experiencing practising yoga. I started with yoga due to an injury but always felt a spiritual conflict. My daughter-in-law introduced me to PF and it has become part of my daily routine. I start each day refreshed, focused and aligned with God's purpose. Blessings to all and thank you!
Thank you for all the wonderful new videos! I am especially enjoying having the cardio/HIIT workout options and more Level 2 workouts.
A. F.
I used your Gentle DVD through my treatment of breast cancer. I cannot tell you how much it helped me mentally, spiritually and physically! Thank you so much!! I am done with treatment and gaining back my strength using all of the videos!!
Thank you so much for offering the quick cardio classes. I am struggling to fit exercise into my life and these 20 minute cardio classes have really helped me fit exercise into my day. I was doing the gentle stretching classes and was enjoying those but on days when I don’t have time to do stretching and cardio I feel like the cardio classes still incorporate prayer into the workout. Thank you again!
Lisa H.
My family continues to pray for this TIMELY ministry. Our close family friend is a trained Pietra Fitness instructor. Thanks be to God, she introduced me to this alternative to new age fitness that has plagued my generation. Pietra Fitness is truly Heaven sent.
It has been amazing to feel a spiritual connection through the physical movements!
I just tried the Intermediate video: Mercy. Phew! I think the meditation should be "humility"- LOL!!! It is a beautiful video and the hour flew by. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts and talents!
Thank you so much! I must share with you, that after using the Gentle Restoration video for several weeks, I discovered I am able to genuflect again! As a Catholic, you know how much this means. I haven't been able to genuflect for over 5 years without extreme pain and difficulty. I was quite grateful one day when I discovered I can now due so without pain or great difficulty.
A. W.
Good evening!
I heard about Pietra Fitness on Ave Spotlight and immediately signed up. After each workout, my body feels awesome. More importantly, so does my heart. The meditations & resolutions in each workout focus my day and help me contemplate how I can strengthen my relationship with God and my community. I am so grateful for this ministry. I find myself completing Jill's workouts most frequently. She is such a blessing. Thank you for all you do! Laura
I LOVE Pietra Fitness and recommend it to everyone I have the opportunity to tell about it. I especially like the Lenten and Theology of the Body series. I practiced Ashtanga Yoga for 20 years before discovering Pietra in 2014 through Divine Intimacy Podcast. I am glad for all of your explanations about the differences and why yoga is harmful. I truly enjoy integrating body and soul and spirit. I started doing Pietra videos in earnest 3 months ago and it is the best my body has felt since I had cancer surgery 3 years ago.Thank you so much for this incredible program. It is truly a blessing!
Laura K
I have been using the videos and seeing benefits already. When I went to cross fit this morning I could actually do a series of burpees that I could not do before. The prayers and meditations are beautiful and I have my San Damiano cross in full view. Thank you and blessings on this wonderful project and ministry.
L. C.
I feel so much better since I have been doing the videos on the Online Studio. I stand straighter and can feel a marked difference in my core strength. The prayers are great and give me something wonderful to think about through my day!
K. L.
I can't believe how much better I feel! Very little pain all day when I start with your routine. I appreciate the time to pray, too! The only other problem is to convince my little dog that when I get on the floor to exercise, I am not there to play with him!
God bless you all at Pietra Fitness. Since I have found your website my workouts have taken on greater meaning. You have a perfect blend of helping me to strengthen my body while maintaining my spirituality as a Catholic. This blend frees my mind from worry of offending our God. Thank you for all you do. I am very grateful for your professional workouts and I love the newsletter and blog as well. All are blessings and thank you for sharing them with us.
Debbie M.
I started my searching for a very gentle, low impact exercise program while learning to live with chronic fatigue syndrome. I felt somewhat resigned to the fact that there was nothing out there to fit my needs that would also honor my body as a temple of the Holy Spirit. The gentle videos are an answer to prayer! I received it as a gift for my 34th birthday. Starting out, I could not manage the first five minutes. Now, most days I can enjoy the first 18 minutes, sometimes even successfully completing another 10 minutes further. Praise be to God! And thank YOU! I am also so grateful to be able to share this with my 7 year old daughter. We love to start our day off with Pietra Fitness together!
My doctor said whatever I am doing to keep it up because my blood pressure is better than it has been in years! Thank you Pietra Fitness!
Susan D.
I would love to take this opportunity to express to you how Pietra Fitness has impacted both my spiritual life and my physical fitness.
Pietra Fitness has opened the door to go deeper into my meditations and mental prayer life. While I have always had a morning prayer routine including meditating on the Mass readings and liturgy of the hours, Pietra Fitness has led me so much deeper here with "In Conversation With God" as a guide to my mental prayer. I have implemented Susan Piper's "5 R's" of read, reflect, relate, rest, and resolve into these prayer times. It is, truly, transformative and has given me an even greater love of our beautiful sacramental Catholic faith, which has created such a distinct interior peace within my heart, soul, and daily vocation.
As a physical health and fitness enthusiast for most of my life, adding the Pietra Fitness On-line Studio workouts to my daily routine of cardio and strength training,has increased my physical strength, as well as, my spiritual strength. I find myself praying to The Holy Spirit, particularly in the more challenging postures. There is something so edifying in building my "cathedral" after being able to hold arabesque or another difficult balancing pose. (Praise God!) Another wonderful piece of this physical aspect is seeing myself build the physical strength as I continue to go through the more difficult workouts in the online studio. (A pose I could not hold for long, initially, can now be held longer.) It is an amazing experience to pray this way....with my entire being. The workouts have, also, increased my practice of offering gratitude to God for every single blessing in my life including the ability to breathe and exercise.
I am looking forward to growing in a deeper relationship with Christ, in continuing to increase my strength, into delving deeper into my sacramental Catholic faith life, and preparing to share and bring this experience to others through my upcoming P-Fit Instructor Training.
Thank you for this opportunity, and I look forward to seeing you all during my training.
Barbara Ann Suo
Hello there
I love your training sessions. It has been helping me a lot . I try to do exercise with you everyday. The streching exercises are my favorites.
I am a 58 years mother of 4 young adults. We live in Sydney Australia. We are originally from Mexico.
I love your concept of exercising mind body and soul.
Keep doing your great job.
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