Calm Strength is our very first Live From Home class. It is a wonderful combination of calm breathing,a steady warm up and wind down, and a strength-building workout. After gently warming up the body, Jill takes you through a series of Planks, Squats, Pikes with Elevated Chest Lift on toes, Side Planks, Lunge 2 and balance work.The Scriptures and meditations remind us that in times of distress, God is always there and you can place your trust in Him. When you expose your heart to God and learn to trust Him, peace fills your soul. This hour long class will leave you feeling calmer, stronger and ready to face your day.
Clare Schiller for Pietra Fitness
Led by the Spirit, Innocence, Wonderful Merciful Savior, O Come to the Altar, This is Amazing Grace, Shalom Peace be with You, Fierce, My Redeemer Lives, Journey, Chasing Butterflies, Angels with Us, Delicate Sentiment by SpiritFit Music (spiritfitmusic.com)Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Christus, Gradual for Good Friday, The Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (stmichaelsabbey.com)

Whether you already have muscular glutes and quads or you're looking to strengthen your legs, Lent: Burns So Good will challenge your endurance. You will begin this 29-minute Level 2 class standing in posture pose, practicing deep breathing and focusing on gratitude. After warming up your body with side bends and pike pose, you will step right into high lunge. Take it up a notch with mountain climbers before coming into high lunge on the other side—and then repeat . . . twice. Catch your breath in rock pose and then flow into elevated chest lift on toes to strengthen your shoulders and entire core, stretch your abdominals, and open up your chest. Engage your core, glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves as you sit back into half squat and raise up onto your toes. Keeping your heels lifted, slowly see how low you can go. Another series of squats and lunges will definitely have your legs burning! Wrap up with an intense hamstring and shoulder stretch before relaxing into hip release and a few final stretches. The Scriptures and meditations will help you reflect on your prayer life and invite you to make daily prayer a habit during Lent.
Based on In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
Stunningly Beautiful, A Beautiful Thing, by Stanton Lanier, Dum Fabricator, The Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (stmichaelsabbey.com)

If you compare this workout to a song, plank-hover-chest lift-plank-pushup-pike would be the refrain. (It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?) Even though this repeated flow engages all the muscles in your body, it will be a nice break from the unique twists and challenging sequences that make up the verses of this Level 2 class. You will begin Lent: Anthem lying on your back, focusing on your breath and all the blessings in your life. After working your core with the Pilates 100 and counterbalancing that strengthener with a few quick stretches, you will immediately get your heart pumping by rolling up to your feet, jumping back to plank, and flowing into that first refrain. Get ready for lunges (with twists), pike pose (with a twist), arabesque, and other tricky moves that will challenge your balance and work your entire body. The Scriptures and meditations invite you to contemplate the purpose of penance and to reflect on what you are offering up this Lent.
Based on In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
Open Eyes, Strength is Yours by Stanton Lanier, Dum Fabricator, The Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (stmichaelsabbey.com)

Increase your upper body strength and boost your confidence with this 30-minute arms and shoulders workout. You will begin Advent: Armed with Faith calming your mind with deep breathing and feel-good stretches that will lengthen and loosen the muscles in your body. Once you transition into the main part of the workout, you can expect to work your shoulders, triceps, biceps, back, and entire core with overhead presses, pull-downs, planks, push-ups, and more. The Scriptures and meditations throughout this energizing class invite you to reflect on ways that you can bring the people in your life closer to God—especially during Advent.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, Shepherds and Stars by Stanton Lanier, Si Amulem by the Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey

Looking to take your Pietra Fitness practice up a notch? Raise the Bar incorporates exercises and postures that are sure to challenge your balance, flexibility, and overall strength. From V-sits and half-linked backbends to unique twists and poses, this 49-minute class will ignite every muscle in your body. The Scriptures and meditations remind you what it means to be a child of God and invite you to reflect on ways you can have more trust in your Heavenly Father.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)

Get outdoors with Tara in this balanced 40-minute workout that will refresh not only your body but also your soul. You will begin [Class Title] in a comfortable seated position, working on your breath and releasing any anxieties and worries so you can focus on the present moment, God, and the class. After warming up your body with a series of stretches, Tara will lead you through elevated chest lifts, high lunges, planks, single-leg V-sits, and other exercises—with suggested modifications—that will test your balance and strengthen your shoulders, back, glutes, core, and more. The Scriptures and meditations present rest and relaxation as opportunities to seek God, and they invite you to reflect on how you spend your free time. NOTE: At times it may be hard to hear Tara because of the ocean waves.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)

Whether you enjoy Gentle, Level 1, or Level II Pietra Fitness classes, Advent: Peace 101 can benefit you, especially if you are familiar with ways to modify poses for your body. This balanced 30-minute class will have you constantly flowing through the strengthening exercises and poses, building heat and hitting every major muscle group. Since the Scriptures and meditations invite you to reflect on filling your heart with peace during Advent, this is a great workout to do in the weeks leading up to Christmas—or anytime you want to foster more peace in your life.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)

Wind down at the end of the day with Night Prayers. The slow, soothing moves and brief daily examen in this class will help you release any physical, emotional, and mental tension and stress you may have been carrying with you throughout the day—filling your body and soul with a sense of peace. By the end of this 25-minute class, your entire being will feel relaxed and prepared for a restful night sleep in God's loving care.
Dawn and Dusk Take Turns Calling, Stanton Lanier; Ave Maria, Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles

With poses and moves that challenge your balance and engage your entire body, Grounded will help you realize you have the strength to get through anything life throws at you. The Scriptures and meditations in this 25-minute workout will awaken your soul to God's constant presence and ability to calm your storms, filling you with a sense of peace that doesn't end with the class.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)

Start your morning by sculpting your abs and offering your day to God with Core Challenge. Through a series of planks, challenging moves that target your midsection, and reflections that focus on doing everything for the glory of God, this quick workout will both stretch and strengthen your core and invite you to meditate on the ways that making a morning offering to God can impact your life.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
Awaken the Dawn, Stanton Lanier

If you sit for long periods of time during the day or have tight hips, Hip Mobility & Flexibility is for you. Ease into this energizing 35-minute workout with gentle stretches, and then perform a series of lunges and dynamic moves to open up and release tension in your hip flexors and hip abductor muscles. With Scriptures and meditations reminding you that every day is a gift, this class is a powerful way to begin your morning, and it will inspire you to make good use of your time.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)

Building upon the fundamental postures introduced in Level I classes, this 60-minute workout focuses on refining poses and building stamina. The challenging sequences and transitions in Strength & Endurance will help you increase your muscle strength and control, flexibility, and balance. While having a strong physique is highly regarded, the meditations are a good reminder that the pursuit of physical strength must be rightly ordered—for true strength is only found in God.
Desolata, Where Are You, Salmo 122 performed by Sr. Raffaella Cavallin; O Sanctissima, Ave Maria by the Benedictines of Mary