Exercise progression means tweaking an exercise a bit to make it more challenging. By progressing your exercise, you will continue to see improvements in your body and in your fitness. Alison demonstrates a progression on many of the exercises that you can try if needed, or you can work your way into the progressions. As you challenge your body in a good way, remember to practice good form and listen to your body as needed. When you are no longer challenged with Progressions 1 Intermediate, try moving on to Progressions 1 Advanced. The meditation will have you contemplating to Be not Afraid: Our Strength Comes from God.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

A strong core can stabilize your spine, keeping your back healthy and making movement easier and more fluid. Allison uses a wide variety of exercises that engage the muscles that stabilize your spine, which will help improve posture and core stability. As you work on this class and get stronger, you will likely be on your way to moving with less pain and more core strength. The meditation will have you thinking about how God had you in mind from the beginning.
Excerpt from School of Faith Daily Rosary, Omniscience and Human Freedom

This class is all about circles – circling the legs and arms, working the joints while still hitting all major muscle groups. A step up from the gentle class of the same name, it is sure to leave you feeling energized and ready for your day! The meditation will have you contemplating Psalm 62.
Excerpt from Sarah Christmyer, Lord Make Haste to Help Me
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichabbey.com)

If you struggle with tight hips and want to increase hip mobility and stability, this class is for you. Lori incorporates exercises that specifically work on all areas of the hips, including the glutes. You will be amazed at the results! The meditation will have you thinking about Simplicity: and Others.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

A plank is a full-body workout that strengthens and tones your core, glutes, arms, and legs and helps to build a solid foundation for any full-body workout. And the best part is that it requires no extra equipment, relying totally on your own body weight. The meditation will have you thinking about the Simplicity of Jesus. Planks can be challenging and require that you use good form. Be sure to watch Simplicity: Planks INSTRUCTIONAL and Simplicity: Planks 2 and 3 Point Stability INSTRUCTIONAL before attempting the workout.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This 34-minute class is designed to tone your legs, glutes, and abs, help you get fitter, and help you in everyday movement and sports. It also helps maintain good balance and stability. No weights are necessary! The meditation will have you thinking about Simplicity and Prudence.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This class was designed to release tension in the body. As you move slowly through the postures, the parasympathetic nervous system will activate, which helps the body rest, heal, and restore balance. You will leave the class feeling calm and refreshed. The meditation will have you contemplating the Simplicity of Jesus.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Stretching and core strengthening exercises are the two best ways to keep your back healthy and feeling good. The exercises in this class are meant to strengthen and improve flexibility and mobility in the muscles that support your lower back. The Scripture and prayers will have you contemplating Simplicity: and St. Clare.
Excerpt from Holy Family School of Faith Daily Rosary
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

After the warm-up, Robin gets right to work on the upper body. Some of the poses use optional weights, but some use your own body weight to build strength and endurance. The meditation will have you contemplating the Simplicity of Mary.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

A strong core is crucial before building and toning the muscles in the rest of the body. The exercises Jhoe uses will build the core while improving posture, all without incorporating planks (for those with wrist or shoulder issues). You have the option to use your own body weight, a weight, or any household object. The meditation will have you thinking about Simplicity: characteristic of Spiritual Childhood.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Welcome to this well-balanced class that hits the upper body, lower body, core, and everything in between. The prayers and meditations will have you contemplating Simplicity and St. Francis.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press), and Holy Family School of Faith Daily Rosary
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

While this class offers some upper body strength, Amanda focuses on stretching and lengthening the muscles, mobility, and spinal rotation, extension, and flexion. Tension is released, flexibility will increase, and you will move more freely. The prayers and meditation will have you thinking about Mary and Motherhood.
Holy Family School of Faith Daily Rosary, Loving Our Mothers, Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

A total body strength class will help you to get lean, toned, and fit. It targets all of the major muscle groups of the entire body. Betsy takes you through a series of creative exercises designed to increase stability and strength using only your body weight. The meditation will have you thinking about Mary: Mother of God and our Mother.
Holy Family School of Faith Daily Rosary, Mary, Mother of God. Used with permission, Holy Family School of Faith Daily Rosary, Mary, Mother of the Church. Used with permission
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

If you are looking for a fun full body strength class using your own body weight, this is the class for you. After the warmup, Lori takes you through a series of lunges working on spinal stability, Squats, core work and more before taking you into the winddown. The meditation will have you contemplating Mary: Virgin Most Powerful.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichabbey.com)

Your core is your trunk: pelvic floor, back, abdominals, and diaphragm. The exercises in this routine will help your core muscles work harmoniously for better balance and stability. This is important for regular activities as well as for sports and other physical activities. The prayers and meditation will have you thinking about Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Holy Family School of Faith Daily Rosary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Balanced workouts incorporate all major muscle groups, ensuring every part of the body gets attention. This can help to promote strength and flexibility for your whole body. Alison takes you through a 44-minute well-rounded routine that will leave you feeling refreshed and ready for your day. The meditation will have you thinking about Mary, the Mold of God.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Hip flexibility and mobility is so important because it allows for more fluid and efficient movements. It can help in everyday movement and can even help athletes improve their performance on the field. Join Robin in this short class as you boost your range of motion and feel great. The meditation will have you contemplating Mary, and being a Mother.
Pope Francis, Oct. 7, 2023, On the 800th Anniversary of the Confraternity of Our lady of Montserrat, https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2023-10/pope-francis-meets-with-confraternity-of-our-lady-of-montserrat.html#:~:text=%22To%20celebrate%20Mary%2C%22%20the,for%20us%20and%20accompanies%20us.%22
Venerable Jozsef Cardinal Mindszenty.
Holy Family School of Faith daily Rosary, Loving our Mothers, Used with permission
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Stretching keeps the muscles flexible and healthy. This is so needed in order to maintain a range of motion in the joints. If you only strengthen the muscles, they will shorten and become tight, which if not stretched out, can put you at risk for joint pain, strains, and muscle damage. Jhoe takes you through a class that stretches the entire body while relaxing and refreshing the nervous system. She does throw in a curve ball with doing the splits, but she gives you a different option if you do not want to do splits. The meditation will have you contemplating Mary and the Annunciation.
Holy Family School of Faith Daily Rosary, The Annunciation. April 8, 2024. Used with permission
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

It’s amazing how much you can do in a chair! Work on spinal mobility while strengthening the core with this class that is jammed pack with twists and turns all while sitting in a chair. You will leave class feeling energized. The meditation will have you thinking about Clarifying the Essentials. If you are new to Pietra Fitness, you may want to start with one of the gentle chair classes.
Holy Family School of Faith, https://www.schooloffaith.com/
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Are you pressed for time but want a quick workout that hits the major muscle groups of the legs: glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves? Leg burn is for you! Lori takes you through a series of squats and lunges that works the whole lower body.

Building on Resistance Chest and Shoulders Gentle, this intermediate level workout will challenge your chest and shoulder muscles helping you to move better and stand taller. Use light weights and increase the weights a bit once it becomes comfortable. Next step – Advanced!

A fast-paced advanced workout that hits every aspect of your physical fitness: strength, cardio, and flexibility. First, warm up and prepare for the workout by moving the spine in all directions and firing up the core. This workout includes two sets. Each set has a strength portion, a cardio portion which includes kicks, and a stretch portion. Bring a towel and water, you will need it as you head into the wind down. The meditation will have you contemplating the Birthday of Our Lady. Leave this class feeling strong, confident, and closer to Mary.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This class is all about building core strength and improving functional fitness of the abdominals, sides, and back. In 41 action packed minutes, Jhoe takes you through a warm up, 4 sets of integrated exercises that will work your entire body, and a relaxing winddown that will leave you feeling amazing! Some props are used, but not necessary. The meditation will have you contemplating Psalm 46.
Excerpt from Sarah Christmyer, Lord Make Haste to Help Me
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichabbey.com)

From the time you get out of bed in the morning until you get back for the night, there isn’t a minute you are not using your core. It’s important to build core strength for better ease in everyday movement. Join Jill for this fun intermediate workout with creative core exercises that work your entire body. The meditation will have you contemplating Psalm 61.
Excerpt from Sarah Christmyer, Lord Make Haste to Help Me
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Develop strength, flexibility, and balance in this 47 minute intermediate class. You will work all major muscle groups while focusing on the upper body. The Meditations will have you contemplating Psalm 86 as a prayer.
Excerpt from Sarah Christmyer, Lord Make Haste to Help Me
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Strengthen your arms and shoulders without any extra props or weights with this short, body weight class. Body weight exercises boost your fitness, metabolism and endurance.

Develop strength, flexibility, and balance in this 35 minute gentle class as you focus on the beauty of praying with Psalm 13.
Excerpt from Sarah Christmyer, Lord Make Haste to Help Me
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Develop strength, flexibility, and balance as well as shoulder, core, and pelvic stability in this 34 minute intermediate class. The meditation will have you contemplating praying with Psalm 121.
Excerpt from Sarah Christmyer, Lord Make Haste to Help Me
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Develop strength, flexibility, and balance in this 31 minute intermediate class as you focus on the beauty of praying with the Psalms.
Excerpt from Sarah Christmyer, Lord Make Haste to Help Me
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

If you are short on time and want a quick upper body strength calss with not extra equipment, then 10 min Intermediate Arms & Shoulders is for you. This class will build strength and muscular endurance in the upper body simply using the weight of your own body to challenge your muscles.

A short body conditioning class created to get your heart pumping and muscles moving! This is a wonderful, short cardio class that you can add on to any workout. Using a variety of creative exercises, you're sure to get a great workout that will improve your cardio, strength and endurance – especially when you hit replay!

Robin will take you through a flow of postures that will allow you to release stress while at the same time building strength and gaining flexibility. Blocks and a small towel or pillow can be handy but not necessary. The meditation will have you contemplating Our Lady of Sorrows.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This class was designed to build your core muscle group by performing a series of exercises that strengthen the abdomen, back, and pelvic floor, all while increasing flexibility. Can you say plank? You will hit them numerous times in this class, but it will all be worth it as you stand taller and feel stronger. The meditation will have you contemplating crushing envy with charity.
St. Rachel Shrader, Your Guide to the 7 Deadly Sins – and the Virtues that Crush Them, https://www.goodcatholic.com/your-guide-to-the-seven-deadly-sins/
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Amanda will take you through a series of exercises that will strengthen your body, increase muscular endurance, and help you gain flexibility. You will come away feeling stronger and more refreshed. The meditation will have you thinking about combating sloth with diligence.
St. Rachel Shrader, Your Guide to the 7 Deadly Sins – and the Virtues that Crush Them, https://www.goodcatholic.com/your-guide-to-the-seven-deadly-sins/
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Are you looking for a class that will help to improve your strength, balance, and stability? Then this is the class for you. Amanda incorporates exercises that will not only challenge your balance but will build muscle strength. The meditation will have you thinking about crushing gluttony with temperance.
St. Rachel Shrader, Your Guide to the 7 Deadly Sins – and the Virtues that Crush Them, https://www.goodcatholic.com/your-guide-to-the-seven-deadly-sins/
Holy Family School of Faith, Rosary Meditation for May 26, 2022, Temperance. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This class gets specific by strengthening and toning two major areas – abdominals and glutes. The workout will help you build a powerful core as well as help improve posture and stability. The meditation will have you contemplating combating greed with practicing the virtue of generosity.
Holy Family School of Faith, Daily Rosary Meditation for June 4, 2022, Lust. Used with permission. Pope Francis, MORNING MEDITATION IN THE CHAPEL OF THE DOMUS SANCTAE MARTHAE, In heaven’s stock exchange, Friday, 19 June 2015. Rachel Shrader, Your Guide to the 7 Deadly Sins – and the Virtues that Crush Them, https://www.goodcatholic.com/your-guide-to-the-seven-deadly-sins/ Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Class begins with a warm up focusing on alignment and spinal mobility, followed by a series of exercises to strengthen and tone the legs as well as to gain mobility and flexibility. The meditation will have you contemplating crushing lust with the virtue of chastity.
Rachel Shrader, Your Guide to the 7 Deadly Sins – and the Virtues that Crush Them, https://www.goodcatholic.com/your-guide-to-the-seven-deadly-sins/
Holy Family School of Faith, Daily Rosary Meditation for June 4, 2022, Lust. Used with permission.
Fr. Jerry Pokorsky, Chastity: Cornerstone of holiness and happiness., Jan. 2, 2019, https://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/chastity-cornerstone-holiness-and-happiness/
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Caring for the arms and shoulders is essential for performing many everyday movements. Working on the strength, flexibility, and mobility of the arms and shoulders can help with posture, will help make lifting and carrying items easier, and it can help prevent injury. The meditation will have you contemplating crushing anger with the virtue of meekness.
Rachel Shrader, good catholic, Your Guide to the 7 DeadlySins – and the Virtues that Crush Them, https://www.goodcatholic.com/your-guide-to-the-seven-deadly-sins/.Used with permission.
Holy Family School of Faith, Rosary Meditation for February 14, 2022, Blessed are the Meek. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

You don’t need to have hip problems to benefit from hip conditioning. This 28-minute class will help to stretch and strengthen these muscles to build flexibility and stability. The meditation will have you contemplating crushing pride with practicing the virtue of humility.
Rachel Shrader, good catholic, Your Guide to the 7 Deadly Sins – and the Virtues that Crush Them, https://www.goodcatholic.com/your-guide-to-the-seven-deadly-sins/
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

A full hour class directly focusing on slimming the midsection! This class was designed to help you engage multiple muscle groups so that you can not only safely move with ease but also to help you trim the midsection. The meditation will have you contemplating the Prayer of Elijah.
Pope Francis, General Audience, Wednesday, October 7,2020
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey

Contemplate how you can live your life more closely ordered to what is truly a priority as you gently move your body and work every major muscle group. Amanda ramps up the gentle routine with a Low Lunge series, Lunge 2 Series, Squat series, and more before winding down in prayer.
Leah Joy Taylor, Inner Resources for Leaders, Psalm 90: The Search for Significance, https://www.regent.edu/journal/inner-resources-for-leaders/psalm-90-search-for-significance/
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Reflect on the “Big Picture” of what’s most important in your heart, your life, and your home, all from an eternal perspective as you move your body and work every major muscle group. Jhoe will move you through planks, pushups, lunges, squats, and a unique core exercise before you wind down in prayer.
Holy Family School of Faith, Treasure in Heaven, September 19, 2021. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

God called us to be His own, not because of anything we do, but because of who we are: His beloved, His pearl of great price. God calls each one by name. You will have time to contemplate the fact that you are sacred and have been endowed with a particular mission that only you can fulfill as you strengthen your body, mind, and soul. Lori works the whole body but focuses on strengthening and stabilizing the muscles used to help maintain good posture.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2158 – 2159. Pope Francis, Gaudete Et Exsultate, On the Call to Holiness in Today’s World, 13
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This intermediate class focuses on the legs and is suitable for all trimesters. Strength in the lower body is necessary to support your body during pregnancy, keeps your hips mobile, and helps keep aches and pains of hips and lower back at bay. Even though it’s an intermediate class, Nila offers modifications, but you can also modify anything that is not right for you, so give this class a try! If you haven’t already, please check out The Foundational prenatal videos with Dr. Jillian Stecklein. They will teach you how to find and work the pelvic floor, bracing the core for pregnancy, and other great info. Have a chair handy, a couple of pillows and maybe a block. It’s always good to have water nearby to stay hydrated. Check with your doctor that you have clearance to exercise before beginning.
Clare Schiller, Foundation 3 Pietra Fitness Instructor
The beautiful, calming music during class is by Francesca La Rosa, and the amazing Gregorian Chant is by Donna Stewart and Ron Andrico of Mignarda.

This intermediate full body prenatal class is suitable for all trimesters, though some 3rd trimester moms may need to modify. Josette offers modifications but you are encouraged to make other adjustments if needed. It is important to always listen to your own body so if something does not feel right, come out of the pose, or take a break. The meditation will have you contemplating the beautiful gift you are carrying. Check out the Foundational prenatal videos to learn how to find and work the pelvic floor, bracing the core for pregnancy, and other pertinent info for expectant mamas. Go ahead and grab a chair, a couple of pillows, water, a block, and any other props you would like for support.
Clare Schiller, Foundation 3 Pietra Fitness Instructor
The beautiful, calming music during class is by Francesca La Rosa, and the amazing Gregorian Chant is by Donna Stewart and Ron Andrico of Mignarda.

Stretch, strengthen, and tone as you elevate the heart rate ANDwork on balance! Sound good? Join Jill as she leads you through a series ofexercises that will accomplish all that! The best part is you can accompany OurLady while meditating on the Most Glorious Mysteries.
St. Pope John Paul II, Rosarium Virginis Mariae
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

You will not want to miss this core class that will improve functional strength for daily activities, while toning and strengthening the entire trunk. It is an intermediate class but can be suitable for advanced participants as well. Come and stand at the foot of the Cross with Mary as we meditate on the Sorrowful Mysteries.
St. Pope John Paul II, Rosarium Virginis Mariae
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This class is a total body workout that tones the body while bringing on the sweat. In certain parts of the class, Jhoe gives you the option to raise the heart rate more by making it high impact or keep it a low impact class. Your choice. She uses a paper plate (slider), but you can do the class without it. Spend time with Mary as she leads you to the secret of Christian joy!
St. Pope John Paul II, Rosarium Virginis Mariae
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This class focuses on the lower body but hits all major muscle groups. Be transported to Mary’s side as you think about the Rosary as a contemplative prayer.
St. Pope John Paul II, Rosarium Virginis Mariae,

Your body and a mat are all you need to bring to this total body workout that focuses on the upper body using your own body weight. Lori hits all upper body muscles including the small shoulder muscles. Come and be with Mary as we meditate on the Rosary as a powerful weapon. Bring your own personal miracle with the Rosary, if you have one, and give thanks in the quiet resolution portion of class.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Learning how to correctly hinge at the hips is a skill that is perfected with practice; and you will get plenty of that in this short 11 minute class. You will work on the posterior chain (backside), mainly the glutes, hamstrings, and low back, as well as the core. But Lori has masterfully created a routine that will also give you a great shoulder and upper back workout. Well worth the 11 minutes!!

Watch “Back Resistance Introduction” before doing one of the back resistance classes for the first time. As you become comfortable with the intermediate class, you can try Back Resistance Advanced. You can always modify the class by adding more weight or decreasing the weight you use. You will need a barbell, body bar, or hand weights.

Lunges are a functional, powerful exercise that helps you to tone and strengthen almost every muscle in the lower body including the core, quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. You will also stretch the hip flexors. There are so many benefits to lunges, we just had to include them in this series. Once you feel confident with the intermediate class, challenge yourself in the advanced lunges class. The meditation will have you thinking about the feminine gift of sensitivity.
Excerpt from Manual for Women, Danielle Bean (TAN). Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Having strong and healthy hamstrings are important for us to carry out the everyday tasks of walking, running, jumping and bending the knee. This class will not only strengthen the hamstrings, but will lengthen them for the perfect recipe for happy hamstrings. The meditation will have you thinking about the call of every woman.
Excerpt from Manual for Women, Danielle Bean (TAN). Used with permission
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This 30-minute class uses a wide variety of exercises to strengthen and stabilize the core muscles, including the abdominals, lower back, hips, and, most specifically, the obliques. The meditation focuses on Silence.
Holy Family School of Faith daily Rosary, Divine Mercy Day 8, April 22, 2022. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Are you looking for a fitness class that targets all major muscle groups for a total body workout? Look no further, you have it here and don’t even need weights! You’ll love the guitar music and the straightforward pace. The prayers and meditations will have you focusing on returning to the Father.
Fr. Ben O’Cinnsealaigh, Pastor of Our Lady of Victory Parish, Cincinnati, OH, Fr. Ben’s Column for the week of March 27, 2022
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Everyone wants to have toned, shapely shoulders and upper back for summer, right? Look no further! Jill doesn’t use weights for this gentle class, but you can make it an intermediate one with the addition of light weights. She suggests 1 lb to start and no more than 3-5 lbs because of the work on the small muscles around the shoulders. The meditation focuses on beginning again when you fall.
Holy Family School of Faith, Daily Rosary Podcast, I’ve Fallen and Can Get up, 2022.Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Lower-body exercises build strength in the lower back, hips, glutes, and legs and build foundational strength for everyday movements. Join Jill for this fun lower body strength class with Irish music, and prayers and meditations on St. Patrick!
St. Pope John Paul II, Holy Mass in Drogheda, Saturday, 29 September 1979
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

There is a saying, “it is not how hard you train, but how well you recover.” Recovery days don’t have to be spent vegging in front of the TV but can be used to promote restoration and repair. Join this restorative class that encourages muscle repair and relaxation. You will have given your body time to replenish, and Jhoe will help you find muscles you didn’t know you had! She uses blocks and a strap but you can use books and a towel, or nothing at all. The calming music will help you to focus on St. Joseph and your intentions for the last day of the novena.
Pope John Paul II, Redemptoris Custos
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This total body strength class includes squats, lunges, rows, kettlebell swings, planks, and more! Rachel will warm you up before class and conclude it with some great stretches that will leave you feeling relaxed and ready for your day! You will have time to focus on your intentions for the novena while contemplating St. Joseph, Most Faithful.

Join this fun cardio kickboxing class that engages multiple muscle groups that is sure to leave you feeling stronger than ever. It is a 40-second work and 20-second break with front kicks, side kicks, alternating knee crunches, alternating oblique crunches, and more. Spiritually, we will focus on St. Joseph, Zealous Defender of Christ.

If you are looking for a classto stabilize, strengthen, stabilize, and promote flexibility in the body, thisis the class for you. Be prepared to move and sweat as Lori takes you throughflows, lunges, squats, balance poses, core work, and more. The prayers andmeditations will have you focusing on St. Joseph, Head of the Holy Family.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Are you ready to get strong, reduce body fat, and burn calories more efficiently? St. Joseph Novena: Day 5 – Strength to the rescue! Rachel will have you doing chest presses, push-ups, squats, flies, and more while using hand weights. Spiritually, we will focus on St. Joseph, Terror of Demons.

Did you know that you should engage in cardio activity at least 3 days a week for maximum benefit? This class will increase your heart rate and respiration and raise oxygen and flow using large muscle groups doing 30-second rounds of knee kicks, front kicks, bob and weaves, alternating knee crunches, and alternating oblique crunches. We ask for St. Joseph’s intercession in this day four novena under his title, St. Joseph, Comfort of the afflicted.

It is always good to have a few restore days built into your workout schedule. These are the days you can work on your stability, coordination, flexibility, relaxation, and restoration. It can reduce soreness by breaking up the lactic acid, work on muscle imbalances, and help speed recovery. Day 3 of the St. Joseph Novena is a great class to actively recover while focusing on St. Joseph, Foster Father of the Son of God.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

No matter your age or fitness level, resistance training is for everyone! And, it doesn’t need to take hours lifting weights in the gym. Rachel will lead you through a series of exercises that will build muscle mass, strength, and endurance. Get strong with us while asking for St. Joseph, Lover of Poverty, to intercede for us in this day 2 Novena.

Offer your intentions to St. Joseph on day 1 of the St. Joseph Novena while getting your heart rate up - with 40 seconds of work and a 20-second rest. Rachel will start you off with a 1-minute boxer shuffle before Knee Kicks, Side Kicks, alternating knee crunches, punches, speedbag squats, and more.

Limited on time? In this express class, you will perform a wide variety of exercises to tone and strengthen the muscles in the upper body, including the core muscles.

Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your long-term spine health and maintain healthy, pain-free mobility. Keeping your spine in good condition will allow you to move in comfort now and as you age. In this 30-minute class, Jill will move your spine in all planes of movement, focusing on the core, spinal extension, flexion, and rotation. The meditation will have you contemplating "Reliance on God". Jill dedicated this class to her mother, Marsha Kuhlman, who passed away two days before taping. May her soul rest in peace.
Holy Family School of Faith, Rosary Meditation for February 12, 2022, Reliance on God. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

A proper post-workout can help to relieve stress, prevent muscle soreness, and prevent injury. It may also help prevent lactic acid buildup so that you are not as sore. This class is designed to mobilize the body and bring about neurological recovery post-workouts. Jhoe uses a dowel that you can purchase at a hardware store, but you can also use a broom or nothing at all.

This 11-min core class is designed to strengthen the muscles of the lower abdominals, upper abdominals, obliques, and back with non-stop core boosting moves and a plank challenge at the end. Use this as a stand-alone workout or as a great addition to other workouts.

Are you feeling stress or anxious and looking for a way to relax? Or do you just want to unwind? Deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body. It is a gift from God, and it is free! Join Jill for an 11-minute video that will have you at ease and calm in no time! No need for music here, the sound of the waves are great for activating your parasympathetic nervous system helping you to breathe easy.

Let’s sweat it out in this Cardio Kickboxing Burner!! Build stamina, improve coordination and flexibility, and burn a ton of calories as you build lean muscle with this fun and challenging workout. You will leave this class feeling ready to take on whatever the day brings you!!

Are you ready to sweat and feel the burn with this Total Body bodyweight strength class? Incorporating strength and cardio gets your heart rate up for a total calorie burner. You will be doing Curls, Fire Hydrants, Sprints, Chest Presses, Deadlifts, Rows, Lunges and Planks!

This Full Body class is a complete and constant workout incorporating weights, with minimal rest! In this class you will be doing Reverse Lunges, Burpees, Arabesque, Reverse Flys, Rows Pulsing, Alternating Chest Press, and Regular Chest Press. Make sure you have some water and a towel for this one!

Nothing is more gratifying than a strength leg burn! Lori will lead you through a series of squat variations and lunges in this quick 12-minute lower body workout that will sure having you feeling the burn. Be prepared for the bonus heel lifts!

Are you looking for an amazing leg workout for building strength and power in your lower body? You are in the right place! Rachel will have you doing squats with pulses, wide squats with pulses, kettle bell swings, single leg deadlifts, reverse lunge plus kicks, and more. Get ready to work and sweat!

Are you ready to focus on strengthening and toning your trunk? You can use this workout by itself, or you can use it in addition to our other routines for additional core work. Rachel begins with plank which provides an effective warm-up plus it works all the major core muscles as well. She then moves into reverse plank, side crunches, slow mountain climbers, forearm planks, and more! What are you waiting for?

After warming up, Rachel will get your blood pumping with an array of HIIT exercises with 40 seconds on and 20 seconds’ rest. Exercises include mountain climbers, ski or skater jumps side to side, front and back kicks, and burpees. The series is then repeated. Join Rachel for this cardio conditioning class and break a sweat!

This class will get you a "head to toe" toning workout with a 60 second strength workout then a 30 second burst of cardio. Included in the workout are squats, planks, bicep curls, kettle bell swings, and more all followed by 30 second mountain climbers. Whew!!!! Hand weights are used, but feel free to use cans or water bottles.

This class includes strength exercises and cardio segments for a total body workout intended to provide overall fitness and toning by working all major muscle group. Included in the workout are Lunges, lunges with bicep curls, burpees, leg balance with rows, squat knee crunches, kettle bell swings, and more. Hand weights are used, but feel free to use cans or water bottles.

The best remedy to staying injury free is to have a consistent program of stretching after your sport or practice. Stretching after your game or workout can help increase your flexibility and range of motion, reduce the risk of injury, decrease muscle tension and stress in your body, and promote increased circulation. It can even help improve your performance the next time you play. The extra time you spend stretching are well worth it; your body will thank you!

Athletes place a high amount of stress on their bodies to compete in sports so they should prepare and be ready! Warming up is a crucial part of preparation. This 17-minute general warmup can be used before any sport or activity. Lori takes you through dynamic exercises that increases the temperature of the muscles, increases the heart rate, and sends blood flow to the working muscles. The movements will also enhance the neuromuscular relationship between the muscles in the body and the nerves, which will help athletes to be in better control of their movements and functions.

If you have never taken a foam rolling class, now is the time to give it a go! You will be glad you did! Foam rolling is a form of self-myofascial release; a form of self-message that releases muscular tension, loosens up the connective tissue, and may help reduce pain. Join Jill as she rolls away the tension in the lower body. The meditation and scripture will have you thinking about Simplicity in the Advent Season.
Holy Family School of Faith, 30 Days to Deeper Prayer, Advent Volume, Day 11. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey

There are many benefits to foam rolling including relieving muscle pain (even though it can be intense while rolling!) and easing tension. It may even help with inflammation. While most of us need it on a regular basis, the hustle and bustle of the season makes this a great class for this time of year. Once you roll and stretch the upper back, hips, and glutes, the prayers and meditation will have you contemplating silence during the Advent Season.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

It is crucial to stretch after a workout to prevent muscle soreness and injury and should be an essential part of your well-balanced workout routine. So, whether you have just finished your workout or you are feeling particularly tight, take off your shoes, roll out your mat, and get ready to feel amazing. You may want to have an optional block and blanket/pillow ready. The meditation will have you thinking about how we can change the world by being bearers of gratitude.
Holy Family School of Faith, Daily Rosary, Pride, Humility, Gratitude, November 13, 2021. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey

Strengthen the core and restore proper posture and body mechanics. The core is the body's powerhouse and encompasses the area from the shoulders through the quadriceps in the upper legs. By strengthening the muscles of the inner and outer core (the whole core), we help the body avoid back injury and improve posture and standing strength. Plank for Posture focuses on the Plank position as an economical exercise to improve core strength and stability. The meditation will having you contemplating gratitude at all times.
Holy Family School of Faith, Daily Rosary, No Matter What –Gratitude, August 2, 2021. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Balance is such an essential part of functional fitness. If you are looking for a class that increases flexibility, joint stability, balance, and coordination, Better Balance is the one for you. It is quick yet packed with exercises that will work your core muscle, low back, legs, and best of all, balance. The meditation will have you focusing on Resting in the Lord.
Holy Family School of Faith, Rosary Meditation for December 15,2020, Benefits of Turning to Joseph. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Arm balances require arm and core strength as well as determination and perseverance. Jill helps to make these poses more accessible and fun by using blocks, though they are totally optional. She takes some time to fire up the core and prep the arms for these poses. This class is low impact and good for intermediate and advanced levels. You will want to keep doing Arm Balance Fun until you master the poses. Please share how you are doing with us on social media, and send pics as you work through them! The meditation focuses on living our faith.
Holy Family School of Faith, Daily Rosary Meditation, Faith, September 24, 2021. Used with Permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey

Working on side bends stretches all the muscles up and down the spine, targets both internal and external obliques, tightens your abdominals, and helps you to have better posture. If this sounds like something you would like to work on, join Jill for this 25-minute class that will have you side bending while sitting, kneeling, standing, and lying on your side. The meditation will having you thinking about being a light in the darkness.
Holy Family School of Faith, Rosary Meditation for September 5,2021, Light. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey

Poor posture is a common problem for many people, but can be easily corrected.Not only does bad posture not look good, but can also cause other health problems. Would you like to be one of those people who stand in perfect alignment, maintaining the spine’s natural curves? Practicing Live from Home: Posture Support can be a great aid to strengthening your core and glutes that will aid in correcting a slouching posture. The meditation will have you contemplating God as your focal point.
Holy Family School of Faith, Rosary Meditation for August 13, 2021, Fidelity, Freedom, Bread. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey

Are you looking for a class that focuses on exercises that strengthen the muscles in and around your legs and glutes? Then Gluteus Maxed is for you. Jill uses a closed resistance band, but feel free to not use anything. You will still get a great workout! After warming up, you will go through glute bridges, clam shells, leg lifts, and quad strengtheners. Of course, all other muscle groups are hit as well. This class is appropriate for intermediate and advanced levels. The Scripture and meditations will have you contemplating abiding in Jesus as our Living Wall.
Clare Schiller, Foundation 3 Pietra Fitness Instructor

Functional movement is a term to describe exercises that help you perform everyday activities more easily. Join Jill in this 37 minute class as she works on multiple muscles groups in the lower body to be able to transition from the floor to standing with ease. She also emphasizes core strength and stability. Great for beginners but also some of the movements in the workout gets into more of an intermediate class. Just do what you can and enjoy! The meditation will have you focusing on the virtue of temperance to resist distractions.
Holy Family School of Faith, Rosary Meditation for July20, 2021, Temperance as Distraction from the goal. Used with permission.

Get to know your body better! This class focuses on feeling the stretch in each of the moves. It will improve your posture and balance and help you pay attention to what muscles you are using in each exercise. This means less risk of injury! The meditation will have you thinking about our Lord’s Life-Giving and Healing Power.
Fr. Ben O’Cinnsealaigh, Pastor of Our Lady of Victory Parish, Cincinnati, OH, based on his column for the week of June 27, 2021.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Give your spine a treat with Back Resiliency. This 42-minute class fires up the entire core to help stabilize and protect the spine, and incorporates twists that help you develop flexibility and resiliency in the spine while increasing range of motion. You will leave feeling energized and ready to take on your day. The meditation will have you thinking about marriage as a sacred bond.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press); Guadium et Spes (Joy and Hope, the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World) 48; Blessed Pope Paul VI, Humanae Vitae; Pope Benedict XVI, Deus Caritas Est
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

The hamstrings are a group of muscles on the back of the leg from about the knee up to the pelvis. Strong and flexible hamstrings are essential for avoiding injury as well as for everyday movement. If your hamstrings require a bit of attention, join Jill for this 27-minute class that is sure to strengthen as well as lengthen them. The meditation will have you letting God do what He needs to do to make things grow.
Fr. Ben O’Cinnsealaigh, Pastor of Our Lady of Victory Parish, Cincinnati, OH, based on his column for the week of June 13, 2021.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Core stability is crucial for balance. Join Jill in this 27-minute class as she leads you through functional and multiplanar core exercises that will prepare you for the balance moves throughout the video. As your core continues to strengthen, you will start to see improvement in your balance. The meditation will have you focusing on surrendering everything to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Holy Family School of Faith, Rosary Meditation for June 6, 2021, Corpus Christi. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This class, when done consistently, will give you that strong core you’ve always wanted. Using a variety of different exercises, Jill works your core using upper and lower abs, oblique muscles, and the pelvic floor and back. Of course, always ending with a stretch. The meditation will have you focus on selfless and sacrificial charity, ready to help others as you leave the class.
Holy Family School of Faith, Daily Rosary podcast, Charity, May 10, 2021. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

A mix of dynamic core stabilizing exercises using planks, squats, standing side crunches, and Pike pushups with shoulder taps. A light weight is optional. Good for the beginner to intermediate.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Are you in need of a workout that helps you recover from a job that has you sitting all day at a computer or on the phone? Then Work Day Recovery is for you! Jill takes you through poses that not only help tight hips, but opens the chest and restores the shoulders. The meditation helps you to reflect on the fact that you are the apple of God’s eyes. Can you say ahhhhhhhh?
Holy Family School of Faith, 30 Days to Deeper Prayer. Volume 3, Day 3, The Apple of His Eye.. (Used with permission)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)